Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Owyhee Canyonlands River Rafting - Wild & Scenic Life

What started off as a random decision to go see our friends Adam and Susan Elliott kick off a 2 year rafting journey at Base Camp Brewing in Portland turned into a 7 day adventure that we will never forget.  65 miles of rafting over 6 days through what is known as the Grand Canyon of Oregon.  We saw a lot of wildlife including antelope, raptors of all varieties, and a great horned owl.  Jason V was kind enough to let us take his 15’ raft and I guided the entire trip with Ryan and Emily on the boat.  We ate well, drank well, and saw some of the most beautiful scenery this state has to offer.  Read on for the story and more photos.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter 2017

This year we had a pretty low key easter up in Portland.  When we didn’t hear of anything going on in Corvallis Emily and I decided to invite about 30 people to our place.  But, because it was a little last moment and most had plans we ended up with just Jason, Jen and Alder coming up to visit us for Zombie Jesus Day.  Scott and Danielle stopped by for a bit on Easter to snack on dinner with us as well on their back back from family in Seattle.  Jen and Emily died eggs, Alder sat on Leo’s head a few times and I enjoyed a lot of ham.  Nuff said :)

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Sandy River Delta Park

Today we took Leo for a walk at Sandy River Delta Park.  This park is at the mouth of the Sandy River where it enters the Columbia River.  This spring was particularly wet in the Northwest so the Columbia was pretty high and much of the park was flooded.  This didn’t deter us from having a great time taking Leo for a walk.  In a few places we had to literally crawl across wooden fencing above the water to get by.  Leo of course had fun just wading through the water to the other side.  I took my 900mm lens along for some bird photography and came home with some great shots. 

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Rowena Crest and Tom McCall Viewpoint

Today I had wanted to drive out to the Tom McCall Viewpoint just west of The Dalles in the Columbia Gorge for some spring wildflower viewing.  Because of this winter all the blooms are about 3 weeks behind when they were last year and you need to drive east to find the sun for them to be up already.  We also wanted to get Leo on a hike and I wanted to get some more aerial footage and flying practice.