Saturday, July 22, 2017

Billy Chinook Wakeboarding

Emily put together the best birthday for me that I’ve had in a decade and it involved a sport that I hadn’t done for nearly just as long!  This year our friends Eric, Athena, Jen, Jason, Ian, and Colleen joined Emily and I on Lake Billy Chinook for an absolutely amazing day wake-boarding!  Eric found us a great spot in the Cove Palisades Deschutes Campground where we had two fun nights - one drinking and one recovering… read on…

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Eagle Creek Canyoneering

As I catch up on my blog in mid-September I write this as the massive Eagle Creek Fire in the Columbia Gorge, started by a 15 year old with fireworks, burns over 43,000 acres of old growth forest and treasured trails.  In July Emily and I had the good fortune to join a rowdy group of friends for our first Canyoneering trip down the creek that is now completely destroyed by human carelessness.  Looking at these pictures as I write this my eyes fill with tears knowing that nobody will be able to partake in this adventure for decades to come as the landscape slowly heals.  Read on and enjoy the photography, video and memories…

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Iron Mountain Wildflowers

This weekend we headed down to Corvallis so Emily could go to Lindsay’s baby shower and I could hang out with Jen and Jason.  We had a fun Friday night at Squirrels and then the Crowbar hanging out with all our old Corvallis friends and staying out until the bar closed.  It was a rough morning on Saturday but I was able to peel myself out of bed and head out with Jen and Jason to meet up with their friends Jon and Jenn Pywell for the loop hike up Iron Mountain and Cone Peak in search of wildflowers.  Read on:

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Spider Gap to Buck Creek Pass

For the July 4th weekend Emily and I took our dog Leo for an epic 4-day, 41 mile backpacking loop in the Glacier Peak Wilderness of Washington.  We encountered snowy passes, lots of marmots and walked through miles of a fresh 2016 wildfire.  Leo got put through his paces and as I write this is still recovering.  It had been a long time since we had ventured so deeply into the wilderness and it felt good.  Read on: