Sunday, January 25, 2015

Syncline - Up Maui to Hidden Valley Down - Mountain Biking the Gorge

This Sunday Conrad joined Emily and I with his new mountain bike for our first venture to the Syncline Trail system around Coyote Wall on the Washington side of the Gorge.  This area is incredibly beautiful and popular with hikers but we didn't know until recently that it was also an amazing biking area just east of the Cascade Crest that usually gets decent weather while its pouring in Portland.  Read on...

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Herman Creek on a Rainy Day

 After taking a the first weekend of the year to catch up on "life things" around the house we decided to get away this weekend for something.  The original plan had been to head to Bend to visit Aaron Hartz but unfortunately that got cancelled and the weather didn't appear to pleasant for skiing anyway.  Instead, we headed off into the Gorge on a rainy Sunday to check out the Herman Creek to Casey Creek trail.  Read on...