Sunday, August 27, 2017

Coe Creek Falls

It took some time but Emily and I finally connected with our friend Clint Clow after many years.  Clint is an avid waterfall chaser and budding photographer.  After some debate we decided to check out the Northeast side of Mount Hood following the Timberline Trail from the Cloud Cap Inn towards Elk Meadows.  It was a beautiful Sunday and we had the entire day to explore.. well, until we had to get back for the Game of Thrones season finale… :)

Monday, August 21, 2017


Today I experienced the most beautiful natural even I’ve ever seen.  The 2017 North American total eclipse passed directly through Salem and millions of tourists traveled to Oregon to see it.  Everyone chose Oregon because the chances of good weather without clouds is incredibly high during the summer months here.  Emily’s cousins Gary & Deb with their kids Lexi and Stephen even came out for it, but unfortunately we weren’t able to meet up.  With so many people coming to Oregon the news put us locals into panic mode about it.  Cities were telling residents to stock up on water and gas like it was going to be armageddon. Everyone was saying that travel would be impossible.  

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Broken Group Seakayaking - Vancouver Island, BC

The Broken Group is a group of small islands and islets in the middle of Barkley Sound on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.  They are part of the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, the Canadian equivalent to a National Park in the U.S.  Our friend Ian had suggested we join him and colleen and some others on a sea kayaking adventure this summer.  It took some planning, borrowed boats and one all nighter of driving but we were able to pull it off and had one of the best trips of our life!  Read on...

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Riggott Family Reunion

What a disaster of a travel situation for us!  Emily and I had chosen to fly out of Seattle for our trip home for the Riggott family reunion to make it easier for us to start our sea kayaking trip in Vancouver… wrong choice.  Despite the horrendous travel we endured the party thrown by Emily's father more than made up for it!