Sunday, September 4, 2005

Killington, Pico and downhill Rallying

Killington_pico_9405_23On Top of Killington after hiking over the summit of Pico and Killington's ridge in the background.
to Mt. Snow on Saturday with my friend Justin for some crazy downhil
mt. bike action and also some micro brew tasting at the beer festival
they had there. Justin then left to pick up furniture with his wife and
head back to Boston. I headed up Vt. Route 100 to Rutland, VT and got
some dinner at Applebee's while watching the Sox beat the Orioles. I
then drove my truck up to the parking lot at Killington and slept under
the stars. It was so clear you could see the Milky Way perfectly. Woke
up the next day and fixed the 2nd flat I had on my bike in two days at
the Killington bike shop where I got a long trail suggestion from the
guy running the shop. I then talked the gondola lift operator into
sending my bike to the summit. I then drove up to the pass between Pico
and Killington and started my hike up the AT/Long trail to the summit
of Pico and then over the ridge to the summit of Killington. 6 mile
hike in about 3 hours. After a short rest and some much deserved
swedish fish I changed into my spd shoes and helmet and headed down the
newly cut black diamond single track trails I was told about. Best
downhilling I have ever done!!!... Long 45 minute decent through very
techinical turns and drops. By the time I got down the access road to
Route 4 both legs were solid rocks of cramps. I tossed my bike into the
woods changed back into my hiking shoes and started walking up the long
hill to the pass. 5 minutes into the walk a nice elderly Vermont couple
picked my ass up and brought me up the hill. Was able to get my truck
and start heading home at 4pm. Not bad for two days in Vermont

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