Saturday, November 19, 2005

Ski Season

Ski season has officially restarted at Killington after 3 weeks of warm weather.  They opened today with 13 trails of top to bottom skiing, 3 lifts, and the gondola.  It was in the mid 30's today and I went alone with my new ipod.  It was a friggin' zoo of people but everyone was well spread out so the lift lines weren't that bad.  My back is still sore from throwing it out but I managed a ton of spins today and got my picture taken so i might end up on the website... still gotta check.  First_ski_day_at_killington_111905_03I skied for about 5 hours until all the good snow was scrapped off the slopes by the idiots from New Jersey that had come up to invade the mountain.  All the trails funneled down into one which meant that all the beginner skiers were funneled into the same giant mogul field near the bottom.  Ski patrol had positioned themselves in this area and were literally dragging girls out of the way as experienced skiers bombed down the center line of moguls.  It was awesome watching ski videos while headed up the mountain on the gondola on the new ipod.  Crashed good a couple times but only because I was really pushing myself on the first day out... Great time and a great day!


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