Sunday, May 7, 2006

Out with Rick, Mike and Kerri

Went out with Kerri tonight after I got out of work at Wheatfields.  We met up with Rick and Mike and headed downtown.  After a little time at Gaffneys we went to '13' so Kerri could see what the new bar was like.  It was completely packed and full of Skidmore kids.  We went down to the bottom floor area and sat in a bunch of comfy couches for a few before heading out.  While there, a girl was Cimg3233
sitting next to me thumbing through a newspaper.... then promptly passed out next to me on the couch... Being a little drunk I then took the paper and covered her with it like a bum!  hahaha.  We then made our way to Gaffneys again where Kerri met up with Eric Huus.  We ended up heading towards The Venu where Mike's cousin Gabe got us in despite me not meeting the dress code.  Rick had taken off and Mike refused to go in but I had to follow Kerri who I made pay for me to get in.  That's right... if she's gonna drag me there she better pay for me to get in... haha.  I stayed for about 20 minutes making several rounds of the dance floor getting approached by what I'm sure were under age girls several times.  It was about 3:30am and I wasn't feeling it anymore so I left Kerri with Eric and took off. 


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