Saturday, August 19, 2006

Shmorgesborg with Emily

Sat... my only full day off of the week.... and raining... what to do?  We had originally planned to go on a nice hike up Crane Mountain in the Southern Adirondacks but when we got to my parents to grab some food the radar just showed a mass of green over everything so it was a no-go.  After hanging Cimg5256
with my parents for a bit Emily and I decided to just make it a relaxing day (which I needed after my 58 hour work week).  On the way back to Saratoga we stopped at Price Chopper and spent $70 on a ton of food including corn, steak, clams, salad etc.  We then went back to her place and grilled up a feast while watching movies all day.  That night we went out for a couple drinks with Cassie but it was pretty uneventful.  It was a great relaxing day with my wonderful Emily :)  Just what I needed!


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