Sunday, October 8, 2006

Thought last night's shinanigans were over... nope.

Anna and Isaac dropped me off at home last night and I promptly fell asleep but at
4am in the morning I woke up feeling terrible and ran to the bathroom
to possibly puke my brains out... As I was sitting on the side of the
tub, stomach horrible with heartburn (I've been known to puke from
heartburn before) I saw a small object dart across the floor.... a
mouse!  The mouse we had been trying to catch, and it couldn't get
out!  I then spent the next 10 minutes scrambling on the floor of the
bathroom, blind without my contacts trying to catch the damn jumpy
thing!  Finally it was on the top of the toilet looking at me
defiantly.  I went for it and it jumped.... right into the waste paper
basket!  hahaha!  I had him.  I ran to the kitchen and put a plate on
top of the basket and set it onCimg6259
the sink with a note that said, "guess
what I caught bro, shake can to find out", for Jason to find the next
morning.   By the time I was done with all that I had forgotten all about puking and went comfortably back to sleep.  This morning when Jason walked to the bathroom, groggy still from sleeping and picked up the plate to a very jumpy mouse he jumped back... it was hilarious.  We then let the mouse go in the backyard for Mckenzie to chase... no he didn't catch it. 


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