Saturday, February 3, 2007

Do you remember your prom? Me neither

Well, it was last night at about 9pm when I was sitting in the lab working on my take home midterm when I heard about a huge prom party bash going on downtown.  So, I Prom_2207_014
figured my brain was shot enough at that point to tag along with Julie and her friends to the Prom.  I biked home and quicky changed into the outfit you can see in the pics.  The top hat was definitely key and it got passed all around at the party.  We all had a bunch of beers at Julie's place, which conviently for me is about a minute walk around the corner from where I live.  All the girls showed up to her place dressed in old prom gowns or equally ridiculous outfits. 

After getting our pre-game on we headed off to the party in South Town Corvallis (wayyyy sketchy part of town on a dead-end) with 6 girls in the car and me.   Not tooProm_2207_020
shabby for rolling up to a prom party in a top hat and cane.... WhenProm_2207_026
we got there it was packed and I kid you not, when I walked in my 97' Junior Prom song "Moon Dance" was playing!  It was way trippy.  I didn't know many people there but began to make friends quickly.  The Jonny Cash cover band was on stage ripping it up with various tracks and there was even a room decorated for prom pictures.  There were lasers and even a spinning disco ball.  These guys had definitely gone all-out for the party.  The only people I knew there besides the girls was Jed, Levi, and David. 

We all had a great time and Julie used my cane throughout the night to stabilize her torn up knee (which she needs to get fixed immediately so she can ski!).  I ended up Prom_2207_023
getting the last beer and kicking the keg ironically.  From there IProm_2207_029
had a couple more brews I found in the fridge before getting a ride home with the girls around 2am.  It was a great night and as you can see I got some great pics of the party.  At least at this prom I brought a camera so I could remember what happened!  haha.  The walk home joyously was just around the corner!  yeah!


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