Saturday, March 24, 2007

Suds on the Slopes 2007

Emily got into the Portland Airport around 12:45 so we took off quickly from there on a 45 minute drive to the base of Mt. Hood and stayed overnight in a skeevy motel called Mountain Air. There were antlers on the wall for a coat
rack and the room smelled like a retirement home. The smoke alarm made a hissing noise so I
promptly took the batteries out for the night and climbed into bed. It was really great to cuddle up with Emily
again after such a long time apart. 

In the morning we woke up to Aaron Hartz calling me to say
that everyone, including him, was bailing on the pond skim at SkiBowl because
it was pouring out. I decided to sleep
for another hour or so and then determine if I was going to bail as well after
checking it out. When we got to SkiBowl
we found out that only 6 people had signed up so far and that there were lots
of prizes to be won so I said “what the hell” and signed up as well for $10
bucks but decided not to buy lift tickets for the day because the weather was
drizzly. Emily and instead drove to
Government Camp and got some breakfast before taking a drive up Timberline to
check out the hotel there made famous by the movie “The Shining” by Stephen
King. The inside looked nothing like the
movie btw.

 When we got back to SkiBowl there was a band setting up
inside for live music and everyone got door prize raffle tickets and Hawaiian
lays. I got a pint withSuds_on_the_slopes_32407_002
Emily to psych
myself up for a very cold plunge into river water they were pumping into the 50
foot long pond skim pool. At 2pm the
suds on the slopes kicked off and there ended up being about 30 competitors
after all, mostly snowboarders. The rain
had stopped and the sun was even starting to poke out from the clouds. They had put out salt so that the slope
would be slippery and fast for people to possibly make it all the way across
which definitely looked unlikely. I was
wrong. The snowboarders easily cruised
across the water with all the surface area of their boards using them as
wakeboards pretty much. I decided to let
one of the
Suds_on_the_slopes_32407_006_0003few skiers go down ahead of me to see what could be possible…. Yup,
skiers couldn’t make it. We were judged
on attitude, style, crashes, and distance. Since distance was out I thought my first run I would go for style so I
took the whole
hill switch (backwards) and tried to get as far as I could
backwards… didn’t make it very far and crashed really hard, but I was the only
one all day who tried it switch…. The water was freezing and when I got out I
immediately put on my gore-tex jacket and pants to hold in the heat that was
quickly escaping me.

Suds_on_the_slopes_32407_010_002_0001Right before my 2nd run a kid on skis when down
and through a
Suds_on_the_slopes_32407_010_002_0003 backflip off one of the side jumps… I knew I would have to step
it up a notch. So, on the urging of a
bunch of girls in wet beaters on top, I took the hill switch… witch my swim
trunks pulled down mooning the crowd and waving! Hahaha. Halfway
down I turned around, pulled my shorts up and through a huge
Suds_on_the_slopes_32407_010_002_0006backflip into the pool rotating very slow as to make a huge crash…. Which definitely
happened! The crowd thought it was
awesome and I actually got 3rd place for best crash for the day and
got a cool hat and some
snowboard gear that I just left because I have no use
for it. After getting another beer and
listening to the band (think the drummer had a crush on the lead singer) we
waited to see if won the door prize and when we didn’t we took off back to Corvallis.

What a great way to kick off
Spring Break and my week with Emily! for the

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