Thursday, July 19, 2007

Greg Wilson's Qualifying Exam Party - Yes.. I did wear a dress.

Last night was Greg Wilson’s qualifying exam party. I’m not sure why it was his because Bart also
took his along with several others. In
any case the party was aPhotos_for_blog_009
dress-up party at Anna’s new place so everyone,
including thePhotos_for_blog_008
guys, had to wear dresses. Tiffany came by my place early in the night and left me with what I
would consider her hottest outfit – a long dress and cute brown halter
top. I also insisted on wearing her
cowboy hat for the party along with a $5 pair of gold aviator sunglasses I
picked up in NYC with Adrian last week. I was told I was the best looking man-girl there. Oddly, with everyone in dresses it turned out
to be the most testosterone-filled party I’d ever been to. There was a rock hang-board bolted above the
kitchen door and soon a contest broke out of who could do the most
pull-ups. Anna of course was rocking it
out. With everyone in dresses Anna was
the most manly looking person in jeans and white top. I told her she needed toPhotos_for_blog_010
put on a dress and
she eventually did. Later the party
progressed to the deckPhotos_for_blog_013
out back and a game of “hit the nail into the log” or
something broke out… again… testosterone. There was two home-brewed kegs and punch which were fantastic. I took over control of the music with my
ipod as usual and small dance party broke out in the living room for a
while.  It was a great party. I didn’t drink too much and ended up getting
a ride home with Brendan. Anna living
with 5 guys worries me….

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