Saturday, May 17, 2008

Eleanor Hodak's Beer Olympics #2

It was that time of year for Beer Olympics and once again we had a great turn out for the games which was also a combo party for Eleanor as she defends on Friday and then leaves Oregon forever. This year I decided to spring for two kegs of PBR for the shinanigans. Once again Emily was also in town to hold her own in the drinking games. This year I invited a ton of people… lets see: COAS, Geosciences, Engineering, Ruby Tuesday’s, Watershed Sciences, and the friends of everyone from those groups… so I’m glad we got two kegs as I’d say about 50 people showed up throughout the afternoon and night.
Emily and I picked up both kegs from Squirrels on Saturday morning after walking through the Saturday Market to show her all the fresh goods from local farmers. We tapped the keg at 3pm when Colin Cooper showed up with some watermelon for us. The three of us started off the afternoon with a game of Beirut and by 4pm we had about 15 people that had shown up along with Hodak of course who was directing the games and starting to tally points on the whiteboard in the living room.
The games (the ones I can remember)
Bowdoin Beer Pong
Boat Race
Shotgun contest (no question Holm won this)
Ice Cube Tray Races
Flip Cup & Flip Cup Survivor
Dizzy Bat
Flip Cup Pong
And several others that I probably never saw… or more likely don’t remember. We had a great turn out of people and I was really happy to see many people I hadn’t seen in months because of my break from school. By 9pm people were chilling on our new garage roof, the neighbors (Brian) was over drinking with us and Chris & Aaron were pushing each other around the neighborhood in a shopping cart to the annoyance of all my other neighbors I’m sure. I don’t remember much past 11pm and Emily and Eleanor were passed out about that time anyway. I went to sleep as the gang from Ruby Tuesday’s was in the living room playing cards (apparently they were there until 4am). I think it was a great party to send Hodak off, but unfortunately I’m getting older and suddenly have a lot of friends under 21 now from Ruby’s so my days of throwing keggers I’m afraid is most likely over. Next year I’ll have to pass the Beer Olympics PBR torch to someone else.

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