Saturday, September 19, 2009

OSU vs. Cincinatti

Today was OSU vs. Cincinatti at Reser Stadium. Unfortunately, I had to open the
bar at Ruby’s (which may be the 2nd time in 2 years I’ve actually done it) but I was able to get out early to be able to make it to the 4pm game. When I got to Doug’s tailgate around 3:15 Alexa was pretty lit wearing a beer can hat as well as Danielle. Kevin was dressed up like a preppy frat boy with an orange tie. I quickly downed about 4 beers to catch up with the
rest of the crew before we started our walk down to the stadium.

Before we got into the game one of the funniest things happened that I’ve ever
seen. Colin and I were walking in front of the stadium and began to walk under an inflatable tent when suddenly it began to collapse down around us. Apparently, the staff was breaking it down and hadn’t warned either of us as we walked underneath it. I barely jumped backwards in time but I really thought Colin had been trapped underneath it. Fortunately he had bolted through it and made it out the other side before it entombed him! As usual we were in the student section and
managed to grab some pretty good seats, although as usual we never sat. Unfortunately, the Beavs lost the game 18 to 28 but we still had a good time watching. The Jacquizz brothers as usual ran a great game but it just wasn’t enough to beat Cincinatti.

After the game we had the usual party and BBQ back at our place complete with flip cup started by Danielle as usual. Hartz and Kelly came over to hang out with the crew and we all had a good night of drinkin’ and hangin’ out as usual.

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