Friday, March 12, 2010

Portland Temporal Projection Issue

The mountain climate conference at HJ Andrews sounds great and I definitely would like to go. It would be really good practice for my defense a month later as well. I’ll send you a copy of my abstract before I submit it. Any specific suggestions or requests on how I should write it up?

I heard back from Dawn that she is going to out of town on the 9th of July but volunteered to be on conference call for my defense which she noted the graduate school would allow. That would be ok with me. The other option would be to ask Julia Jones in her place because Julia knows a bit about my research already and may be able to provide some help with the spatial analysis when I have statistical questions. Your thoughts?

After I sent you the excited email last week about the data from Portland I took a closer look and discovered that there are some projection issues with the data. Nobody’s fault in particular, but the projection they used (Albers Equal Area) doesn’t match up with my WGS 84 UTM Zone 10 Data Frame projection for my project in GIS. Usually this is fixed with a simple transformation as you know but for some reason their temporal data (the one with all the different years outlined) won’t re-project into the right coordinate system for me. I’ve had several people at Watershed look at it thinking I was missing something in my steps but they couldn’t figure it out either. I have been emailing Kristina Thorneycroft in Portland and she is trying to figure it out for me. I’ve provided her the LiDAR hillshade as well so she can see how things aren’t matching up. Below are images showing the outline files sent to me in ArcGlobe. The thick pink outline was done by Cannon and matches the NAIP/LiDAR I have perfectly it seems but the temporal file (series of thin orange outlines) is pretty far off. I really hope this projection issue can be resolved as the temporal file of various outlines over the years could be very useful. I’ve included a screen shot of the attribute table for that file showing the many years they have digitized and the sources they used. I couldn’t get the whole list in the screen shot but as you can see there are many years and sources.

Do you know where I can obtain
GIS data on the locations of periglacial debris flows on Hood? The department of transportation website at: has this figure.


Jon Ellinger said...

Anne: I think it's fine if Dawn would dial in for your defense. She'd be a great addition to the committee. Too bad Peter can help here. Please try Ed Brook.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010 - 05:04 AM

Jon Ellinger said...

The only person who has the GPS coordinates is Rachel Perot (Portland State University). We've asked many times for her to share her coordinates but her MS advisor, Scott Burns, is adamant that she not share her data until after her thesis is out. We can approximate a couple of the locations but may need to wait until she defends to get the actual GPS coordinates.

Let's brainstorm to see what we can do on this one!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010 - 05:07 AM