Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ski Movie Premiere Night

Friday night I threw my annual Ski Movie Premiere Night at or apartment. This year we had Blu-Ray versions of the new "Collective" mountain biking film "Follow Me", Matchstick Productions "The Way I See It", and Poorboyz Productions "Revolver". I'm also waiting on TGR's "Light The Wick" but it didn't come in time. I sent out an email to about 30-40 skiers and mountain bikers I know in Corvallis expecting that about 10 would show up as usual for the 8pm start. I also sent out a teaser that I would be giving
away "gifts". Emily got home from her soccer game at about 7:45 and by 8pm there were people rolling in right on time. By the end of the bike film that closed out the biking season in a fun way there were about 20 people crammed into our living room in chairs and sitting on the floor rocking out to loud music and unbelievable skiing. I was a apparently too excited for my own good as I quickly drank too much and have trouble recalling the last film we showed. Emily got some funny video of me running around psyched about the skiing and apparently the cops came! I found out they came because of Kya (Chris and Tiff's dog who get's nervous around a lot of people and gets bad gas from it). Apparently she cleared out the room with her ass which resulted in us opening the windows and
doors to air out the room... which also let the loud soundtrack of the films escape our living room into the neighborhood. So.. some random person who refused to be identified called the cops who showed up to our place with only 5 of us still left. He asked who lived there and thoughtfully Chris replied "Emily" because I was in no mood to talk to cops and didn't remember them showing up 10 minutes later anyway! The cop seemed annoyed to have had to come at all and clearly could see that we weren't having a party anyway. I think he actually got a kick out of the reason we had to open up the windows and doors anyway. With everything shut, even with our loud speakers and bass no one would have called as we play loud movies all the time anyway. From what I've been told by everyone they all really enjoyed the premiere and appreciated not having to drive an hour to see them all and stand in back of a crowd of 200 people. At our place they could see in better clarity and up close with music just as loud as any club. I woke up around 4am in the sitting position staring at a blue screen on the tv so I MUST have had a hell of a time... too bad I paid for it all day on Saturday!.... It was worth it! Now, LETS PRAY FOR SNOW!

PS... Hartz has super small feet! hehe!

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