Friday, December 17, 2010

Colin's Christmas Party 2010

On Friday Colin had his traditional
Christmas party complete with a turkey, full bar, and sides for us all to snack on. The commune drove over in Alexa’s car and with Emily on call for work Kevin and I were set to have a good time. I had such a good time I nearly passed out at one point! We all had fun mixin’ drinks and playing
colin’s new favorite drinking
game of ring toss in the garage where you try to hook a ring on a string to hook screwed into the opposite wall. It takes a bit of practice and when you are a little drunk it can be challenging. Emily and Danielle of course were excited to see that Colin’s original Nintendo was still functional in the garage. I myself was happy to see Colin’s awesome massage chair in the living room! Colin and
Amanda had spent a lot of time on their house finishing their backyard with stones the previous
summer and in the fall changing their living room and kitchen from carpet to wooden floors. The full Watershed Crew showed up as usual as well as a couple of Colin’s friends and Aaron Thiel of course. I had thought that almost passing out was pretty rough but a couple people (not to name names) actually showed me up and got the drunk card instead of me for the night. I love seeing Lindsay a bit tore up because she always is so talkative and happy and really gets herself into Rock Band when she plays it. By the end of the night I had actaully sobered up a lot and didn’t have a rough day of recovery the next day. In fact Emily and I went for a run on Saturday. Great party Colin as usual!

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