Saturday, June 11, 2011

Emily's Birthday

Huge Portions!
Beautiful Country Restaurant
I feel kind of bad that Emily’s birthday wasn’t a rager like I had hoped it would be. A bunch of our friends were out of town for the weekend and with Kevin and Alexa gone on their honeymoon still in the Galapagos and Colin gone we just didn’t have the regular crew for a legit party. Instead Danielle had the wonderful idea to head out to Gathering Together Farms for breakfast which we hadn’t been to yet. Emily and I were both really happy about the choice as the food was amazing. I had a duck confit omelette and Emily had poached egg meal I believe. My extra $1 ham steak on top was enormous and we all also enjoyed some Mimosa’s and my new favorite type of coffee, the french press. By the time we left we all were so stuffed we could barely walk.
We spent the early afternoon relaxing at home after the breakfast and then headed over to Megan Cook’s house for a “The Masters” BBQ for all the girls who just defended including Lindsay, Megan and Trisha. Scott and Danielle also showed up but for the most part we only knew about half the people at the party. We stuck around for a bit before heading home to head out and catch a late showing of X-Men: First Class with Colin and Amanda. I tried to make it an exciting day for Emily but, like my birthday last summer, it just seemed like a lot of our friends were just not around but we did have a great day with Scott and Danielle and then Colin and Amanda late night so I think she had a good day anyway.

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