Saturday, November 19, 2011

OSU vs. Washington & Game Night

On Saturday Emily and I biked over to Doug's tailgate for the last home Beaver football game of the season.  The beavers haven't been doing good this year so nobody really expected another win out of them.  Neither Emily or I had tickets to the game but luckily Kevin and Tim both had extras that got us in.  The food was, as usual, amazing at the tailgate and the washer boards were out.  I had brought the remaining couple bottles of the Colt 45 grape blast to finally drink (a horrible purchase choice) and was promptly laughed at by my friends.... :)

The first half of the game was actually pretty close and we were able to pull slightly ahead of Washington by half time.  We had been able to sneak past the band entrance and down to the front row right behind the goal posts.  Several of us had tickets for that area and the rest just followed as nobody checks tickets by the band entrance apparently.  Benny the Beaver was right in front of us the whole game and Danielle and several others were filmed and appeared up on the jumbotron above the OSU student section.

At halftime we decided to go back to the tailgate and never ended up returning to the game, which the Beavers ran away with for the win.  Instead we all headed home near the end of the game anyway and had a really fun board game night on our side of the apartment.  About 10-12 of our friends showed up and we played games for the rest of the night (Cranium, Catch Phrase and finally Scene It over our TV).  It was a fun and different way to spend the night which was cheaper and in my opinion better than going out to the bars anyway.

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