Saturday, February 11, 2012

Party at Feeney's!

Today I spent the day shoppin’ around in Portland waiting to pick up Emily at the airport after her week-long training in Florida.  On the way home I mentioned that Dennis Feeney was having a few bands play at his house.  Since it was about 1am East Coast time in her head Emily bailed but I decided to head over with Holm because I hadn’t seen Feeney in a really long time.  
Chris and I got to his house and briefly saw Mark, Sarah, Nate and Mel before they left early.  The band was super loud in the house and shortly after we got there an angry neighbor paid a visit to Dennis...  Chris and I spent most of the evening hanging in the kitchen around a bottle of bourbon we discovered catching up with James Lee who I hadn’t seen in well over a year.  The house was full of hipster looking young kids, friends of the bands I assume.  The bands were actually really great and I’ll need to look up their music sometime.  Although worried about the cops (who never showed) Dennis seemed to be having a great time and it was good to catch up with him since the last time we really hung out was at his Halloween Party when he didn’t even have furniture in his house yet!

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