Sunday, March 23, 2014

Lazy weekend of Sun and Drinks

Well, not completely lazy as I did get out for about 6 miles of walking with Leo during the sunshine on Saturday…. On Friday Em and I joined Layne and Rob at Fire on the Mountain for some yummy wings.  On Saturday I ended up driving out to Troutdale with Leo to explore some urban parks.  Saturday night was a shit show of a bar crawl for Eric and Anna Li’s dual birthday and Sunday was spent recovering… click the title to read the quick details if you care…

It has been a long time since Emily and I have enjoyed some really good wings… I mean, NY Buffalo-style wings so when Layne asked us to join them for dinner for some we jumped at the chance.  It was our first time at Fire on the Mountain and it won’t be our last.  The wings are far better than those at Buffalo Wild Wings, the closest competitor in the area.  We tried the sweet bbq, the jamaican jerk, the chile and a hot sauce and we liked them all.  Layne knew the manager as well from high school so I think we got hooked up a little on the bill as well.  It was great to catch up with them and Rob gave us some helpful house hunting advice.

On Saturday at noon Emily dropped me at Ryan’s place with Leo on her way to a wine walk with the girls in Corvallis.  I through down a blanket in the back and then squeezed Leo into the “red dragon” to head off for some urban exploring.  We started off just past Troutdale at the Lewis and Clark State Park.  The first trail we took led us through the woods above I84 until it abruptly ended without any fanfare or view.  We turned around and headed back and were about to pack up and leave when I saw a group of people with pretty big backpacks heading off on another trail that appeared to be above the Sandy River.  We followed them was pleasantly surprised to find the trail led directly underneath some great rock walls for climbing where people were roped up and enjoying the sun and warm rock.  For a beautiful day there actually weren’t that many people climbing and I made a mental note that it would be a good place to come back with Emily to practice our own skills.  

From Lewis and Clark we headed over to Powell Butte where we had to park on a side street and then walk up the closed road to the top.  It was pretty boring but there were a lot of people up there with bikes and other dogs and the views of Adams, St. Helens, Hood and Jefferson were pretty cool.  There was a lot of construction at the top making me wonder what the heck the town was building up there?  Leo appeared to be getting a little tired so we headed back home to put some gas in the dragon and pick up some pre-game drinks for the night ahead.  

After some leftovers Leo and jumped in the dragon again to head down to Erics for the night.  We had just enough time to grab a couple beers and catch up about Eric’s trip to Kauai before Tom and a girl named Lindsay showed up.  Because I couldn’t fit both Leo and a bike in the tiny dragon I was left with a longboard to get around for the night.  It had been a while since I had ridden one and to be honest there were a few sketchy moments on the long ride to Mississippi Ave, including a big hill that I was luckily able to check my speed on with some big carving turns down it.  I don’t think I slowed down anyone by being on the board with them on bikes, but my legs definitely felt it the next day.  

The bar crawl was a lot of fun.  We went to Stormbreakers and….. yeah.. that’s all I remember…. hehe.  Brian Kidd showed up with his flaming bagpipes and unicycle in a kilt to play Anna happy birthday and we became a spectacle walking from bar to bar with him blowing flames alongside us.  People were jumping out of limos and buildings to take photos and video him.   I kept the spending light with a flask I had brought along and ended up leaving around 12:30pm I think with Eric, Lindsay and Tom.  There were a ton of co-workers out for the night including Nate and Chester who of course are nuts when they party.  Anna and Eric got a bunch of silly gifts and Anna even got to attack a pinyatta (no idea how to spell that).  

Sunday morning was rough but Eric and I managed to pull ourselves out of bed to meet Anna at Beaters for some recovery food.  Emily equally had an epic night in Corvallis staying out until 2am at the bars with Danielle so both of us took it easy on Sunday hanging out with Leo and catching up some shows.  Hopefully the weather holds for some more beautiful weekends like this one was! 

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