Saturday, September 13, 2014

Septembeerfest in Corvallis

This weekend Emily and I drove down to Corvallis with Leo and our bikes in the truck to go to both Amy Jo's baby shower as well as Garrett's after-defense party in Avery Park.  We stayed with Tim and Lindsay in their new place so we drove there first so I could drop off Emily at Amy Jo's, park at Tim's and then jump on my bike to ride the short distance to Avery Park.  Leo stayed with Emily at Amy Jo's.

There were a ton of people I knew at Garrett's defense party.  Because it was early in the morning on a work day I couldn't make his actual defense but I heard it went well and clearly he was a Pretty Huge Deal (PHD) when I got there.  There was the best food ever as well!  Baked Salmon, Chicken, Chile, two kegs and an assortment of great beer.  Pretty much everyone I knew that was left in Corvallis was there minus Holm and Paris who were out of town.  I set about walking around and chatting with everyone to make my rounds as I don't get to see too many of them often outside of rare parties like this.  I also was starving am helped myself to all the wonderful food.  With Garrett and Cassie moving to Vermont I brought them all the hiking guidebooks I had for the Northeast as a going away present.  They both love the outdoors and I know the books will be put to good use with them.  I think Garrett was happy to get them all as well.  It is the best source of Beta for the Northeast I could provide him.

After not too long it was time to head out of the party as the park was kicking us out.  Tim, Garrett, Cassie, Colin, Scott and others all got on our bikes and headed downtown to the Peacock for the afterparty.  Ahhh.... good to be back to the ol' Top of the Cock.... To my surprise I saw Steve Hudson still working the bar upstairs.... He said he was a "life'r" there... well I suppose if you work minimal hours and rake in a ton of cash doing so, good for him.  Probably a good place for him to meet ladies as well.  He hooked me up with a fresh beer and we chatted for a bit while Emily and the others danced.  Coming bak to the Peacock from much better bars and dance venue's in Portland made both of us realize how truly crappy the place is... but I guess it was all that we had while in Corvallis at the time.

Around 1-1:30 we decided to head out back to Tim and Lindsays.  Later that night Garrett and others closed down the Cock and poor G-dawg ended up curbing himself on the way home.  According to witnesses he simply collapsed to the cement and knocked a tooth or two out... yikes!  Not the best way to cap off your defense party just before a big move cross country either!  But, it certainly makes for an epic night and stories for him!

On Saturday Emily, Leo and I headed over to check out Jason and Jenn's new place on Kings.  We couldn't believe how huge their garage was, literally nearly have the square footage of their actual house!  It will be heaven for Jason once he gets it all organized and properly redone.  McKenzie was as usual super happy to see us and Mike and Jess were there visiting as well for the Septembeerfest later in the afternoon at the fair grounds.  Emily, Jenn and Jess ran out to grab some beers and we set up a table inside with a string to play some rounds of dice.  Its a tough game where you have to chuck it over the string like a volleyball net and sink it in a cup of beer on the other side.  At first Mike was dominating because he's the pro but then Emily and I got on winning streak that nobody could snap!  

After a while we split up and headed back to Tim and Lindsays to grab our bikes for the ride over to the fairgrounds.  We waited till about 5pm so it could cool off for a bit and we wouldn't be standing around drinking and sweating in the sun.  We met up with Danielle, Scott, Colin, Jason, Jenn, Mike, Jess, Miwa and others and enjoyed the local brews.  So much so that we actually closed the place down.  This time instead of heading out to a bar we instead headed back to Tim and Lindsay's where I spent a long time catching up with Colin on things that had been weighing on my mind for a long time.  I really miss that guy living in Portland!

Despite drinking nearly all day Saturday Emily and I woke up feeling pretty descent on Sunday and Tim cooked us up a great breakfast of Bacon and egg sandwiches before Emily and I took off for Portland.  It's always nice heading down to Corvallis for a weekend to hang out with old friends and drink great beer.  We wish the best of luck to Garrett and Cassie as they start their new life in beautiful Vermont and we hope he gets his teeth fixed soon!

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