Sunday, April 12, 2015

Wahclella Falls

Today Emily and I took my mom and Leo out to the Gorge for a hike up Wahclella Falls.  The whole hike is just over 2 miles round trip with less than 400 feet of gain so we thought it would be a good first step for my mom.  read on…

We left the trailhead around 1pm and took our time heading up the trail, stopping at waterfalls, viewpoints and to check out the many wildflowers already in bloom deep in the gorge.  Emily and I frequently hike so fast to see as much as possible that we don’t realize how much we are actually missing by not slowing down to appreciate the smaller things… bugs, slugs, spiders, tiny flowers, crazy moss growth, little waterfalls, hollowed out trees, etc.  It was very pleasant moving at a slower pace.

The falls of course were amazing and big due to all the warm weather and rain of the winter.  We stopped for a bunch of photos, snacks, and to rest before continuing onward along the lollipop falls loop back to the trailhead.  We made quicker time on the way out and I think my mom was feeling much better going downhill.  Although I think it took her a couple days to recover from the hike, I could tell she enjoyed it and would like to do more exploring at or around that level of exercise, for which there is plenty in the area!

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