Sunday, May 15, 2016

My first Spring Chinook Salmon!

This weekend was a rainy one so Emily and I decided to stay close to home.  Instead of heading off for an adventure we decided to do some charter Salmon fishing on the Columbia with a an outfit called “Always Catching”.  It was $125 for each of us and the owner, Jess, was super knowledgeable and happy to share tips with us.  Although it rained the entire morning the boat landed two fish.  The first one was caught by a local who had two visiting relatives with him but the 2nd and much bigger one was landed by me!  Jess guessed it to be about 18-20lbs.

We fished from 6am to 10am and when we got back to the dock Jess cut up the fillets for us and was about to throw the head and bones out when I asked to keep them to make salmon stew.  Em and I grabbed breakfast at a place down the road and then I spent the rest of the afternoon boiling the salmon flesh from the bone and making a terrific salmon stew that we enjoyed for several more days.  

There was about 3lbs of meat that would have gone straight to the Columbia if I hadn’t asked to keep it.  Makes me want to hang out at the docs and ask for everyone else’s scraps as well!

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