Sunday, June 18, 2017

Trask Trail ride over the Coast Range

This weekend against all common sense I decided to try to ride my mountain bike 67 miles over the Coast Range of Oregon from Hillsboro to Tillamook.  I left the house at 6am and was on the way by 7am after stopping for some snacks and breakfast.  It was a a fun ride that took me through the countryside of Hillsboro past alpacas, bison, and lots of cows to logging roads through Weyerhaeuser land through the mountains.  

Once off pavement it was a challenging climb up loose gravel to the highpoint of the trail alongside the inaccessible-by-car Barney Reservoir.  Along the way I scared up a few deer and passed a lot of spring wildflowers on the side of the road.  I’m proud to say that I did the entire climb without putting a foot down as well!  

Couch to climb seemed to be working out for me.  From the reservoir it was a really screamin’-fun descent alongside the Trask River towards the town of Tillamook on the coast.  I passed several waterfalls and a great riverside campspot if we ever needed a place to camp while on the coast.  

I got to the Safeway in Tillamook just past 1pm where Emily picked me up with Leo and we headed to the Fish Peddler to fill up on raw oysters and oyster stew!  The perfect finish to my long bike ride!  When we got back to Hillsboro Leo joined me in the back of the truck (his preference of vehicles) for the ride back home.

That evening Emily and I headed over to Anna Li’s house for a dinner party where she cooked up a Norwegian Shrimp dinner for friends.  This was a meal that her and Nate really enjoyed on their last foreign bike adventure and Emily and I were happy to help them eat it all!!  Anna’s friends along with Wendy, Tom, Andrea, and slaughter were all there to help as well, 15 people or so in total which still wasn’t enough to finish all the shrimp that Anna had painstakingly de-veined for everyone days before!

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