Monday, June 12, 2006

Golf with Emily

Yesterday I went golfing at the Queensbury golf course with Emily.  I met Emily over a month ago and we have been seeing a lot of each other and enjoy each other's company.  She's a lot of fun to hang out with and she is new to the area so it will be fun to play tour guide with her all summer :).  Anyway.. back to golf... I suck at it.. and I warned her.  We got to the golf course at around 6pm Cimg3939
and were Teeing off (is that even what it's called?) shortly after for 9 holes of golf.  I immediately wacked my ball into a swampy area...  When I went down and swung at the damn white baine of my existance I heard a loud CRAAAACK and quickly looked up to see where my ball had flown to.  Wow.. I must have really plugged it because I couldn't even see where it had flown to.  I was so proud of myself until I looked down and saw a 6 inch deep hole blasted into the ground with my ball deep at the bottom of it!  Shit.... oh well.  I freed the ball from the muck and played on. 
    I soon became aware that I was good at hitting with the 'woods'.  I could drive the ball very far but oddly I had to face at a 90 degree angle from where the flag was because the darn things hooked so badly.  All in all Emily was far better at her short game and the irons and wedges than I was but I was able to barely keep up with her because I could drive the ball a long ways down the green.  Neither ofCimg3940
us played at the top of our game and by the time we had reached the 9th hole the sun was quickly setting and we could barely see.  We had only lost 4 balls which I thought was amazing because last time I played with my ENSR buddies 3 years ago I had lost about 20 myself!  Emily and I were lacking one essential item though... beer... next time we'll have a twelve pack to help us along. 
    After golf we had a delicious meal at the Ripe Tomato restuarant at the corner of Bay Road and 149.  My buddy Aaron Freidman manages there and my other friend Kate works behind the bar.  He gave us a couple free drinks and chatted with us a bit.  He's a great guy.  The golf was fun and the food was terrific.  Great night!


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