Friday, June 30, 2006

Out with Jacquelin and Lyndi

    Got a call from Lyndi and Jacquelin last night who said they were in Toga and wanted to meet me out so I said what the hell and went.  I found them on the 4th floor of the Tavern (the dance floor Work_out_with_jacquelin_63006_005
where I've been repeatedly jumped by obnoxious drunk underage girls) and told them I would meet them on the roof for some drinks.  Ariana was with them with her new boyfriend (forget his name).  She never seems to remember who I am when I see her despite the fact that we made out last summer on my birthday and I've even given her a 30 minute ride home in a blizzard once.... oh well, it was good to hear that she's not stripping anymore....
    We then headed over to Gaffneys for a few drinks where I met up with Mike and his buddies and his friend Alex (girl from previous post that he's very interested in).  After a brief encounter with them (an uncomfortable encounter because young Mike needs to learn to not name names when an unbiased friend passes on priveleged information to him). 
    I then wandered over and found Jen Miller from work who I talked to for a brief while before heading home for the night for my double shift in the morning. 


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