Saturday, November 11, 2006

Day in Eugene with GirlyMan

Today and went to Eugene with Anna, Isaac and their friends Julie and Craig.  We stopped in at REI to check out all the stuff and I picked up some new 2nd hand clothes at Buffalo exchange.  From now on I'm only buying 2nd hand clothes or technical clothes onsale on the net that I can use in the outdoors... no more will anyone see me at Abercrombie or Structure... 2nd hand clothes are coolerGirlyman_in_eugene_111106_002 and more stylish anyway!  And out here there isn't the pressure to dress like everyone else like there is in Boston or on the East Coast.. thank God.  We also went down to 5th street market to walk
around which was very cool.  Check out the pic of the pet bird that was free to walk around the inside of the market place.  If you look closely you can even see it's feed bucket in the background.  In the East something like this wouldn't make any sense at all but out here I wasn't even suprised to see it.  We stopped in a kitchen appliance store called Hartwicks which we all were fascinated by.  Seriously, the place had the coolest kitchen gadgets I've ever seen including a blender that was so powerful it actually heats up whatever it blends and a garden called AeroGarden that grows veggies 10x faster than soil through hydroponics and nutrients... Cool shit!
    At 8 we headed over to the Luna Jazz lounge next to Adam's Place restaurant for a performance by GirlyMan, Girlyman_in_eugene_111106_004a band that Isaac's brother plays with occasionaly.  They specialize in cool folk music and a little bluegrass banjo.  Not really my type of music but I had a really great time.  Everyone I was with ordered fancy martini's etc but I held myself back still and actually got to drink a beer that was a
mistake anyway.  Usually on Saturday I like to go into the outdoors and push my body to it's physical limits but today ended up being a leisurely relaxed day that really enjoyed with great friends.  I just love being out here and I love all the people I've met and am friends with now... I really feel like despite everything in my life that is going on right now I am really meant to be here.  It finally feels "right" to me. 


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