Friday, November 17, 2006

Dinner Party then Amadon at Platinum

Tonight Gwen and Cosmo had another dinner party at their place which was fantastic.  I even ended up bringing home a bag of socks... (long story).  We had pumpkin bread, some vegetarian stuff (actually really good) garlic bread, burgers, and plenty of wine.  Gwen got a bit tipsy which was entertaining to all of us.  It was a very relaxed evening and Anna and I convinced everyone to go down to Platinum to see Amadan play.  I had picked up a Jeep Grand Cherokee Loredo last night through my insurance company because my truck isn't done getting repaired yet.  I managed to pile Abby, Brycen, Robyn, Isaac, Anna, Eleanor and I into the vehicle to head to Anna and Eleanors new joint at 420 9th street for some pregame drinks.  I decided to stay DD for the night as I'm planning on skiing tomorow with Aaron and Toshi. 
    Well, can't believe I found myself at Platinum again.  This time it was for a good reason.  AMADAN! They are a fantastic band.  A lot of people showed up after they went to squirrels first.  Cimg6755
They put on a great show and it was nice seeing everyone out having a good time.  I ended up walking Anna home later that night so she got home safe, then took my rental back to the club to begin transporting people safely home.  I finally ended up getting home a little after 1 am.
Throughout the night Eleanor was pounding down her favorite booze - PBR, but this time she got one for Brycen and added a little sophistication to it... check out what's in his drink... then check out his suprise... hahaha.


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