Saturday, September 15, 2007

Beaver Blowout of Idaho State

Today I went to my first football game of the year. The Beavers were facing Idaho State at 3pm. This gave us all plenty of time to head over to Cheney's for some pre-game drinking. Lots of people showed up his back deck for a bbq. I wolfed down a whole bunch of the delicious blueberry french toast Kristen had brought over earlier. Mac even showed up with his fiance Sarah. Gabrielli was busy at a table trying to sell some home made apple cider which he offered to spike with rum for people but apparently he didn't even sell one. I took my truck over there and was lucky to see Cheney outside because his landlord was selling spots for 10$ a piece! After getting thoroughly sloshed for the first time at OSU in a while we headed to Reser Stadium about a quarter mile away to see the Beavers blow out Idaho State 28 to 7 in the first half. We decided we didn't need to see a killing so we all walked back to Cheney's. I decided to sober up for a little while before driving home. It was a great time and I'm glad to finally have time and be back in the area to hang out with all my OSU friends again. The school year starts in a week... As usual click the title for a slideshow... Oh, and final score = 61 to 10 Beavers!

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