Monday, September 10, 2007

Visiting my daughter

This past Monday I was able to visit my daughter Ellie for the afternoon while her mom was at work. She is growing up so fast. I stayed home with Nicolette's boyfriend Clay for the day while we took care of her (watched her play). She is able to stand on her own with support and walk around a bit holding onto objects. At one point she actually was standing on her own with two remotes in her hands balancing her self! I got to hold her, feed her (she fed me too), burp her, not change her, and video tape her a bunch. Clay was worried that she was too attached to him and wouldn't pay much attention to me but there is something to be said about the true bond between father and daughter because she happily played with me all afternoon and seemed to look into my eyes with fascination. I am so happy that I got to spend a wonderful day with her!

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