Thursday, February 28, 2008

Awards Ceremony with the Sheriff.

Tonight was the Benton County Search and Rescue Awards Ceremony at the Public Library. Dinner was served and all the local search and rescue associations were there including the Posse, Mary's Peak, CMRU and other SAR members from the county including Sheriff Simpson who I believe is very well-intentioned and caring. She gave us more than what we were asking for in new truck funds and has always supported local volunteer search and rescue. At the awards ceremony I was awarded several award ribbons signifying my level of Search and Rescue certification and participation in Oregon. I first received an American Flag for being a volunteer in the state/county. Then I received an Oregon State Sheriff's Association (OSSA)/Oregon Search and Rescue Association ribbon for my completion of the Benton County Search and Rescue 100+ hour course last spring over two months. It is the orange triangle in the photo. I then also received a ribbon for Advanced Medical Certification for completing my Wilderness First Responder 100 hour course last spring also. It is the red cross in the photo. The Sheriff also handed out pins of her new Benton County Sheriff Seal. Only those that are sworn in under the sheriff's responsiblity received these pins... I'm thinking of putting it on my registration in my truck for obvious reasons... hehe. It was a great night of photos, awards and good food which I brought a lot home of. Our CMRU buddy Todd Shechter won the volunteer of the year award along with another big award for setting up our paging system within the county. He also one a raffle prize giving him a hat trick! Way to go Todd. I won the raffle as well and went home with a cool little Timbuk2 wallet case and a LightMyFire Spork as well. I'm proud to be part of Benton County Search and Rescue and I'm always impressed by the quality of volunteers the county seems to have and how much everyone cares about what they can do for the community.

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