Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Finally caught one of the two cute little mice we have in our last night. I plugged up it's little escape hole into the wall and then lunged for it twisting my knee. I caught it underneath our microwave safe container which has holes so it could breathe. In the morning I forgot to move my truck so Emily had to wake me up. I showed her the mouse quickly and then picked it up and put it on the table by slipping my OSU program pages underneath the bowl and scooping the critter up. I then went back to sleep.

2 hours later when I woke up I found that the mouse had chewed my program to pieces and made a little nest for itself in the bowl with my program schedule I had taken time to put together... whoops... payback from the mouse I guess. I then tried to dump it into my nalgene and it launched out at me instead forcing me to dive after it once again. Finally, I got the little squeeker into a friggin' nalgene and walked it down 25th street to deposit into an old couch behind one of the frats... I thought it was funny but now I worry more about the mouse getting a disease from the frats rather than vice versa!

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