Sunday, February 22, 2009

Seafood and Wine Festival in Newport

After dragging our asses out of bed hungover after Hodak's party last night Emily and I drove to Newport with Kevin and Alexa. Kevin and Alexa are our new housemates (other side of our duplex). Alexa works at Watershed Sciences with me and Kevin is her awesome boyfriend. On a really weird "It's a small world" side note Alexa's cousin Evan Dewhirst was pretty much my best friend and roomate for 2 years at Bowdoin College. Alexa and Kevin are from Florida and now we are all in Oregon. So that connects 3 corners of the country (Maine, Florida, and Oregon). Kevin even wears a pop-top ring that Evan designed and marketed after college. What a coincidence!

Alexa drove us to the coast in her Fit (The Fit is Go!). It was
a rough ride of corners for me and I almost felt like puking several times! At the wine festival it cost us 5$ to get in and we got a wine glass to use for tasting. Each tasting was 1$ to 2$ and there were booths of seafood as well (although the oyster shooters weren't that big). We each dropped about 40 bucks tasting wine and then
another 10-20 in yummy seafood. It was costly but we all had a great time. One of the best wineries was Naked Winery with wine names such as Penetration Cabernet... which was actually really good. That booth was getting a lot of attention at the show. I'd bet there were over 60
different wineries at the show and we had time to only visit a small percentage of them. Kevin and Alexa bought a couple bottles but Emily and I returned empty handed.

Before we returned home we stopped by Agate beach to walk around the rocks and check out the critters as well as the beautiful Pacific. It was a very relaxing day and when we returned home we got to dog sit McKenzie for the evening who we always enjoy seeing.

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