Sunday, August 22, 2010

Emily and I went on a fantastic
bike ride today up Olallie Mountain just east of Mckenzie Bridge on route 126. We stopped at REI in Eugene on the way there to pick up some bike shorts which we both desperately needed. It was kind of a long drive to get there for only a 9 mile ride but thankfully after a grueling 5 mile, 2,000 foot ascent up the road (this ride would be a sick shuttle run with 2 cars) we were greeted with really amazing views at the top. It was cloudy but we could see north to Mt. Washington and the base of TFJ and south towards the Sisters. After snapping some pics we started down
the trail. The book had said not to go too far or we would miss
the single track turnoff and I reminded Emily but once she started flying downhill she apparently forgot. After a couple really loud yells down the trail she stopped and hiked back up to me with her bike.
The ride down was absolutely amazing. The trail was really smooth without many rocks or roots on the trail and we could really haul ass down it. We got some great footage with the helmet cam of the descent. It took us about an hour and half to climb up the 2,000 feet but we made it down in less than 20 minutes.. and that was with a few stops to rest. We only encountered several areas of landslides and downed trees that we had to climb over. Otherwise, the trail was perfect... and did I mention fast!? We’ll definitely have to go back with Chris and Tiff for multiple runs down it! Check out the interactive map below. Click the red dots.

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