Sunday, December 30, 2012

Skibowl Backcountry Fun with Holm

This weekend Emily and I had a fantastic two days with Holm at Skibowl.  He has been driving around between friends and families over the holidays so stayed with us Fri and Saturday night to continue his week of skiing at Mt. Hood.  Even though it hadn’t snowed in several days the weather had remained cool and we found amazing conditions in the out of bounds area of Tom Dick Peak next to Mt. Hood Skibowl which we all have season passes to.  

I also got to try out my new Technica Cochise boots that are built as alpine racing boots but also have Dynafit compatible soles for touring.  I can honestly say they are the best piece of ski equipment I’ve bought in a decade!  Probably because that category of boot didn’t even exist until last year!  

We ended up skiing out to the trailhead for Mirror Lake just at dark on saturday after having an amazing day of skiing and enjoying german sausages and beer at the warming hut at Skibowl as well.  On Saturday night we ate pizza and watched the movie Ted only to get up early and ski again on Sunday in sweet conditions again with even better weather and blue skies.  

We only took one run on Sunday at Skibowl, spending the entire afternoon skinning around the backcountry of Tom Dick Peak and taking some pretty sweet drops into soft powder below.  Emily was the camera woman for the afternoon and she got some great shots.  Later in the afternoon both Emily and I found that our skins had become frozen and were no longer sticking to our skis.  

Chris seemed to be just fine so he continued to skin up and out of the backcountry and back to the resort while Emily and I descended past Mirror lake down to the highway and then skinned back up the shoulder to Skibowl, meeting Chris at the warming hut for beers again.  I was able to get some good shots of the sunset on Hood as well as upper bowl all lit up by the lights.  It was a great first weekend of skiing after a lot of snowfall in the area while Emily and I were on the East Coast for the holiday!

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