Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years at Tim & Lindsay's in Oceanside

This New Years instead of going to Government Camp to ski all night as we usually do we headed to the coast to join Tim and Lindsay and the Corvallis crew for a party at their house.  Emily had to work on New Years Eve so we didn’t get out of town until about 6:30 in the evening which got us to their place around 8pm which happened to be just in time for food and we were starving!  Leo came with us and chilled in the car while we were inside.  Several rounds of people went out to meet him throughout the night so he wasn’t too lonely.  I set about trying to drain a bottle of bourbon and enjoy myself for the evening.  Next thing I know I’m having long conversations with Mischa and a dance party had broken out in the living room!  Thankfully, I made it to midnight to kiss Emily before Irish exiting out to the car to crash in my sleeping bag next to Leo.  Emily soon joined us but the slope the car was parked on led to a pretty restless night for the three of us.  Great party and glad to see everyone from Corvallis again!

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