Thursday, January 23, 2014

Blazers vs. Nuggets

Tonight Emily and I joined Ben, Tiah, Darren, Jonathan, Jennifer, Donald and a couple others for a Blazers Game.  I left work at 5pm and walked over the steel bridge to meet them all at Red Robin for some food before heading to the game and had them order for me while I was on the walk over.  Emily of course had to fight traffic and find parking so she joined us a few hours later at the start of the game.  We were in the nose bleed section but the game turned out to be really close with us taking a 5 point lead with only about 5 seconds left to play.  It was great to catch up with Ben and Tiah and to find out they are expecting another child - the last according to Ben.  We heard they are going to be moving into a new house soon so we look forward to their housewarming party.  

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