Friday, January 24, 2014

Sandy Ridge Biking with the Holm brothers

Today Emily and I joined Chris and his brother Eric for a ride at Sandy Ridge.  We hadn’t been there in a couple years and had heard about all the trail work so were looking forward to checking it out.  It certainly felt a little strange heading up towards Mt. Hood in January with our bikes instead of our skis but this has been the worst ski season in decades with Ski Bowl not evening opening yet.  The weather was beautiful and we biked a really big loop along the ridge and down to start.  We even tried to help a lost dog whose owner had totally ditched him at the top of the descent.  He followed us for a bit but then refused to go any further, worriedly looking for his owner… sad, but the dog kept to the trails and followed people so we knew he’d find his way at some point.  At the bottom Em was a little tired so headed back down to the truck while I continued on with the brothers for another couple rounds.  It definitely felt great to be back on my bike again. 

After the ride Eric took off for home and his wife and twins while Chris joined us at Calamity Janes for large burgers and even larger beers to catch up with us.  He had a great trip to Colorado with Paris and their relationship was going well.  Emily and I told him a bunch about our trip and told him to keep an eye on Facebook for photos.  It sucks living 1.5 hours from Holm but we are glad we get to see him about once a month when he drives north to join us for adventures.

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