Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Years Eve 2014

Danielle, Scott, Tim, Lindsay and Colin drove up from Corvallis to join us for New Years in Portland.  I was a bit burnt out from 3 days of work straight off a late flight home on Sunday so I wasn't too pumped up to organize anything for anyone.  We started the night off with pizza and a bunch of shots and then headed to Alberta Street Pub with Tim behind the wheel (sober).  Unfortunately, Tim, not being used to medians all over Portland drove the Prius over a huge curb, blowing the front tire.  He felt pretty bad about it but it gave Emily and I a good excuse to put her winter studded tires on later that weekend.  Read on...

There was a band at the Alberta Street Pub that we all somehow managed to sneak in and see.  I really took it up a notch and by the time the ball dropped it was getting pretty blurry for me.  I guess I really let loose after a very stressful trip home for Christmas.  I'm not going to go into what else happened that night but I will say that it was much more unpleasant than a blown tire.  We ended up walking back in the cold to the house (about a mile) where we all crashed and slept in late the next day.  

In the morning everything seemed to be just fine with everyone and we all watched football into the early afternoon when everyone left, leaving Emily to nurse my hangover for the rest of the afternoon!  And with that night over, I now start my 2015 body and mind cleanse! 

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