Sunday, November 15, 2015

Eagle Creek 2015

This Sunday Emily and I decided we needed to get out of the house regardless of the weather.  So we packed up Leo and headed off to one of our favorite hikes in the Gorge, Eagle Creek.  It was a rainy day but on this hike that means spectacular waterfalls… and also a very wet dog… Read on…

This would be our 3rd or 4th time on this trail but we hadn’t taken Leo on it yet.  Perhaps we were nervous before about the steep cliffs but after having him for 3 years no we knew he’d be perfectly fine with us.  Although, a few times when he got close to the edge it did scare Emily.  We got a late start from Portland and weren’t on the trail until about 12:15pm.  This meant that we had to hustle.  

I was testing out several things on this hike, my new Asolo 520 boots I bought for Kilimanjaro as well as re-learning my GoPro which I don't often use.  With it being a wet trail and rainy weather it was the perfect place to test out the boots.  I left all other camera gear at home and just took the GoPro to see what I could capture, turns out a lot!  I had forgotten how useful and cool a GoPro is on trips and have set my mind to make sure I have it all charged up and ready to go for any trip we head out on. 

The weather held off for the most part on the hike in but as we hustled to get to Tunnel Falls before our turn around time it began to really come down.  My feet definitely stayed dry but because heavy boots like the 520’s need so much time to break in, my feet were were very sore and I ended up half limping out of the woods.  One boot in particular where it bent above my big toe felt super stiff and I was worried the boots wouldn’t be broken in enough for Kilimanjaro in time… (Update: they worked out just fine and didn’t hurt at all on the Kilimanjaro climb).  The hike as usual was beautiful and we had a very wet smelly (happy/tired) dog with us on the ride home!

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