Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

This year instead of heading to a destination for the holiday we all instead decided to save our money and just do Thanksgiving in Corvallis.  As I mentioned in the previous post it was a sad start to the weekend watching our friend be buried at his family farm but the rest of the weekend was a good time with friends.  

On Wed after the funeral and gathering in Deadwood we all headed back to Danielle and Scotts for a get together with friends.  BD and Carrie came over with Scout and Kelly was visiting with her dogs Lily and Rosco.  There was also Oliver, Arrow and Poa, so combined with Leo we had 7 dogs for us 7 people!  Thankfully all the dogs got along well but as usual Leo seemed to be the main attraction for getting humped, especially by little Oliver.

On Thursday morning after a frigid night we all headed over to the Corvallis Turkey trot down the road.  Emily and I had signed up for the 5k while Scott, Danielle, Jason, Jen all did the 10k version.  I was just fine doing the smaller race as I was out of shape and didn't feel like "trotting" very far after drinking the night before.  Mike and Jess had also driven down from Seattle so it was wonderful to see them again.  

Mousa was there along with the QSI sponsored team all wearing their QSI shirts so I got a kick out of being amongst them for all the photos... Just wish I had thought to wear my Cardno long sleeve... Hehe.  Scott of course ran the race at full bore trying for a good time and I believe he finished with a respectable place.  

After the race we headed back to Danielle and Scotts to relax with some drinks and watch football.  At 2pm we headed over to Jason and Jen's to help cook dinner and continue with the holiday football obsession this country has.  Jen had done an amazing job decorating and setting the table for us hollowing out a squash for each setting and putting a cactus in them.  Jason was of course crushing the turkey in the oven and we had a ton of sides made.   By the time we were all sitting down for dinner it was 5:30 and we were all pretty lit... Ahhh tradition... And Baileys....  By 10pm everyone, including the dogs had a bad case of turkey coma and were passed out on the couches at the Killians....

On Friday morning we of course started watching football and Jen and Jason came over for some breakfast that Danielle and Scott cooked up.  Things got super awkward when Jen, not thinking, said something about "dying, or getting killed" in front of Danielle.  Clearly she wasn't thinking and in light of Shiloh Danielle overreacted.  Shiloh was a dear friend to us but not that close to Jason and Jen.  In any case it got real uncomfortable so after taking the dogs out for a short walk with Scott around the neighborhood Emily and I headed over to Jason and Jen's to enjoy ourselves and not dwell in sadness... As Shiloh wouldn't want us to.

What ensued on Friday afternoon and night can only be called classic debauchery with Mike and Jess reminiscent of our coastal weekend getaway years ago.  We set up a table in the living room with a string and played the dice game where we have to clear the string and make it into cups of beer.  This time around though we were actually playing with beer and not hard alcohol!  It was a hell of a good time with lots of spills, good quotes and laughs.  I think Jen wants to put up a quote board for my drunk ramblings....

The next day we headed back to Portland a bit hungover but having had a wonderful holiday with friends.  It started off super sad with Shiloh's passing but we ended with laughs amongst our closest friends.  Next year I think Emily and I will host up in Portland. 

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